Photovoltaics (PV) Systems.

Photovoltaic solar energy is a clean, renewable source of energy that uses solar radiation to produce electricity. It is based on the photoelectric effect, by which certain materials are able to absorb photons (light particles) and release electrons, generating an electric current.

Newly built dwellings in the UK must now gain a ‘pass’ on their SAP calculations in order to meet current building regulations. SAP stands for ‘Standard Assessment Procedure’ and is the only official, government approved system for assessing the energy rating of a new home. Without it, building control will not sign off the development and the property cannot be let or marketed for sale. Photovoltaics can significantly improve energy ratings.


  • Renewable, inexhaustible and non-polluting type of energy that contributes to sustainable development with minimum maintenance requirements
  • Particularly suitable for rural or isolated areas where power lines are not available or are difficult or expensive to install, or for geographical areas that receive many hours of sunshine per year
  • Modular, so it can be used in installations ranging from huge photovoltaic plants on the ground to small roof panels
  • Could improve saleability of the property by reducing the building’s electricity cost
  • Meets all the minimum renewable energy requirements
  • Could improve a BREEAM Score
  • Reduce project carbon emissions
  • Comply with local planning conditions
  • Improve Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Encourage sustainable living in the community